To simply explain pneumatics, it can be compared to the moment when you blew up a balloon, held for a few seconds and then allow it to zoom crazy around the room. It is all about placing pressurized air to the use for practicality. Pneumatics plays a vital role in some aspects of our lives. Hence, we don’t even realize that we are using it in doing some tasks. From road drills, factory machines to power tools and paint spraying robots, most the things that we see in our daily lives rely on pneumatics. It may sound ironic that how possible that an empty and seems to be useless air can perform such amazing and useful things. Well, this is all because of how pneumatics works and the scientific explanation of pressure and the process of energy storage of gases when you squash them up. To further understand pneumatics, this article will give you an overview of the system and the basic equipment parts of a pneumatic system.


One of the most important equipment parts of a pneumatic system is the compressor. This component is considered as the machine that turns ordinary air into a compressed one. Squeezing the air to about seven to ten atmospheric pressure does this. The compressor is also known as the point of the pneumatic system where it starts. It is also considered as the bits that place the energy into the system through the process of squeezing air into a smaller space. 

Actuators and motors

Another important component of a pneumatic system is the actuator and motor. Basically, in the fields of engineering, actuator means mover. This component shifts about and does some useful job for people. It is considered as a factory ramp that helps us to lift items and lowers them as well. It is a mechanical arm that swings things around. Technically, actuators move back and forth and usually powered by pistons that slide also back and forth in cylinders as they compressed the flows of air in and out of the machine.


While most of all the pneumatic machines only have actuator, a single compressor, reservoir and valve, there are also some machines that only have a single compressor, which is large with the support of a complex circuit. The good thing about complex circuits is that you can make them from wide variety of arrangements of the same common parts so you can also create complex pneumatic circuits in exactly the same manner. You can also get support and help by some pneumatic symbols in drawing circuits out on plans of engineering on a clear and accurate manner. 


Lastly, aside from connecting devices like festo, a pneumatic system has also a reservoir. This component is the place where quite a bit of compressed air is stored under pressure. Consequently, it will deliver force instantly as soon as the operating valve becomes open.  

In this light, whether you are I the engineering field of just an ordinary individual, knowing how pneumatic systems work is definitely a good aspect to learn. This will give you an idea on how to deal things especially machines when you use them. Over all, the science of pneumatics play a vital role in our daily used things.