A face lift is a common form of cosmetic surgery that is most often used to correct changes in appearance that result from aging. Typically face lift procedures are used to tighten sagging or lax skin under the eyes and around the nose, mouth and chin. In some cases, face lifts are used to remove unwanted fatty tissue from the face or to highlight the contours of the jaws, cheeks and chin.
Cosmetic surgeons have been performing face lifts for quite some time now and the procedure is generally considered to be safe and well-tolerated by most adults. However, as with any surgical procedure there are some risks that need to be considered when electing a face lift. A Michigan Facelift uses advanced surgical for reducing the fat from the face of the person. The risk of life for the person will be minimum in the use of the technique.
During face lift surgery, the cosmetic surgeon typically makes incisions in front of or behind the ear along the hairline. The incision is then used to gain access to areas of the face that need to be tightened or sculpted. The process involves peeling back the skin and muscles of the face, removing excess fat, and trimming excess skin. The surgery is sometimes performed on an outpatient basis and sometimes on an impatient basis under general anesthesia.
Typically patients only need a few days to recover from a face lift surgery. But in some cases complications can arise. Face lift surgeries for instance, have been known to result in scarring. Sometimes blood can collect under the incisions and cause a condition known as hematoma which may in turn require another surgery. Face lifts can also cause numbness, nerve injury, pain and swelling, especially in the days immediately following the procedure. In rare cases, face lifts can result in facial asymmetry and necrosis or skin death along the line of the incisions. Smokers who undergo the surgery are at significantly higher risk of such complications. That is one of the reasons why cosmetic surgeons insist that patients refrain from smoking in the weeks before and after the surgery is carried out.
Though such complications may sound off-putting they are generally well-understood by cosmetic surgeons and are more the exception rather than the rule. Patients considering face lifts of course need to make sure that they are aware of such risks and need to discuss it with their doctors beforehand. They need to find out what pre-operative measures need to be taken to mitigate the risk of side-effects and then stick to those measures.
Those opting for face lifts also need to understand that the procedure is not for everyone. The ideal candidates for face lifts are individuals who are in their late 40’s to early 60’s whose skin has begun to sag a little bit, but still has good elasticity. Having a well-defined bone structure and being reasonably healthy when going in for such a surgery can be helpful as well.