Understanding Relationships
Relationships and dating are the most complicated topics to discuss. We all have different views about dating and relationship issues. It varies from person to person.
But how should we be able to measure if a relationship is worth taking to a higher level, engagement?
A lot of couples enters the engagement when they both realize that they are ready to settle down and tie the knot. However, some of these couples tend to break it in the middle of their engagement period.
Does length Determine the Strength in Relationships?
What happened in the relationship? Aren’t they agreed to get married? Weren’t they so sure of themselves? These are the most common questions that popped our mind.
Naturally, you can never measure how strong the relationship is based only on the length of togetherness. It is definitely not in the length of the relationship.
Some couples have been together for 10 years but still end up breaking apart. Then, there are some who have just met 3 months ago and still manage to keep on.
Couples must keep in mind that when they are already engaged, it is the prelude to marriage. It is the preparation for their married life.
However, it is also during this stage that they get to know each other on a deeper level. Marriage, as well as engagement, is a commitment.
Keeping a commitment is something solid and a strong foundation for future married life.
We would like to give you some tips on How to Keep your Engagement Strong until your Wedding Day. We have taken some relationship advice from Shallon Lester of Shallon Online.
These bits and pieces of advice from ShallonOnline and other relationship advisers were gathered together to give you a nice idea for keeping up your engagement.
Relationship Advice for Engage Couples
- According to Shallon Online, all couples who entered the engagement stage have one thing in mind, that is to be together forever. However, most engage couple often misnamed love.
Shallon explained that there is nothing wrong with love, but instead, it is our own connotation and understanding of the word “forever. ”
So what is the key to forever?
The key is the constant change in order to grow for the person you want to give your never-ending love.
- Communication is the door that leads to everlasting peace.
When you are in a relationship, we all wanted to find peace and tranquility with the person we chose to be with. But sometimes, doubt and jealousy get in the picture and ruin everything.
Talking leads to understanding. Talking without demanding and insulting will always resolve the issue.
Listening is the counter-part of talking. When your partner talks, make sure to listen, not to reply but to understand what he/ she would like to explain.
- Do not say anything against your partner in front of other people.
This is the most common fault of couples who separated. Once they get mad to their partner, they keep telling the stories about him to other people.
When you talk negatively against your partner, you are taking it against yourself too. Why? Because you are a couple.
The next time you have a fight. Keep things to yourself. Nobody will be able to help you but the both of you.
- Learn how to set priorities.
Decision-making is part of every couples’ move. When you are already engaged, always consider the opinion of your partner.
You always need to have one common decision. You may compromise but never be demanding of your partner. You must not always overcome your partner’s decision.
Being able to consider his opinion on the matter is showing respect for your other half.
- Enjoy and Have Fun with Each Other
The engagement period is the time that couples understand and study each other’s needs and wants. The fun side should never be neglected.
Take the chance to accept the other person despite his flaws and shortcomings. By enjoying and having fun, you get to reveal yourself to him and vice versa.
- The wedding is not the endpoint. It is just the beginning.
The excitement of the wedding preparation is enormous. However, once the ceremony is over, reality begins. When the guests have all left, you will be dealing with each family members, and that is what marriage is all about.
Imagine the in-laws and the those in between will all be messing up with your married life. Added to that, when you start raising your kids. How well will you cope up when reality bites?