When it comes to removing your excess hair from the body, there are different methods that you can use in order to get rid of them. Most of the women opt for waxing as their go-to hair removal technique all around the world. You will be able to get rid of your hair by choosing to wax, or shave the hair off your skin, they tend to grow back. These methods can also lead to irritation and skin rashes in many women. If you are not aware of, there is another way to get rid of the ingrown hair in your body. Yes! We are talking about laser hair removal therapy.
A lot of people, even now, are really skeptical about this and do not want to undergo such a therapy. They think it’s expensive, dangerous, inefficient, and what not. Just like anything else, some common myths have tagged a bad name to laser hair removal therapy. So, in today’s blog we will bust all these myths related to laser hair removal. Take a look at them in this segment.
Top Myths of Laser Hair Removal Busted
Everyone is a candidate for laser hair removal and they can easily undergo this process. Take a look at these common misconceptions that will help you get a clearer idea about the therapy
Myth 1: Laser Hair Removal causes the hair to grow more dense and that too very frequently
It has been scientifically proven that a Laser hair removal therapy cannot cause your hair to grow denser than before. As a matter of fact, each of the hair removal treatment will lead to a reduction of at least 10% to 25% in hair growth. People have observed a successful reduction in the density and thickness of the growth of hair in the body after the treatment. The rate at which the hair used to come out, reduced as well. Even if the hair grows back, it is much finer and lighter than what it was before. The American Academy of Dermatology, has already proved it.
Myth 2: Laser Hair Removal is not safe
Laser hair removal is a safe and reliable process, however, you need to to be aware of the laser system that is being used at the clinic. You will need to check whether the clinic is using FDA recommended and approved hair removal equipment or not. That is why you must always visit a certified and licensed Dermatologist. This will eliminate any fear of suspicious equipment.
Myth 3: Laser Hair Removal exposes you to harmful rays of radiation
This is a very common myth that a lot of people choose to believe. However, it is not true even by an inch. Laser Hair Removal never exposed your skin and other parts of the body to any kind of radiation or whatsoever. That is why it is not at all harmful to undergo a laser removal therapy.
Myth 4: Individuals can get permanent hair removal in one sitting or session
If you believe that a single Laser hair removal session remove all the hair that comes up in your body, then youbare highly mistaken. Lazer energy damages the hair follicles during their growing phase and that is why several treatments of the same is required in order to get long term results. You need to visit the Dermatologist at least once every 8 to 10 weeks. In about 6 – 8 sessions, the laser will eventually help you to reduce the amount of hair growth in your body.
Myth 5: Hair Removal Treatment cause burns
This is a very hilarious myth that a lot of people believe but is not actually true. Laser hair removal treatment do not cause any kind of burn in your body. But, if you have a really dark skin, you might get some dark spots. So, you can easily talk to the Dermatologist about it. He or she may give you post-treatment medications.
Myth 6: Laser Hair Removal is very painful to handle for most people
Absolutely not. Laser hair removal is not at all in school and anyone can handle it is very easily. At the most, some people will feel a pinprick sensation and nothing more than that. This does not leads to any pain but a few seconds of discomfort. That is why it is very safe and less painful than undergoing the waxing method.